Author Guidlines

Writing Instructions

Naltyvice: Journal of Community service expect your work to be published.

Online Submission Procedure: By sending the best work to the Journal of Community service: Education and Natural Sciences. Authors prove that: Submissions are their own work, free from all forms of plagiarism (text, data and figures) Maximum 25%. The submission has not been previously published in any other  journal. The submission has been approved by all co-authors and relevant authorities.


The manuscript  is written in good English (to the best of the author's ability) and is free from grammatical errors. Checked using a proofing tool (such as Grammarly) and, if possible, corrected by a language editor. Submissions to the Journal of Community service: Education and Natural Sciences must be made via the online submission system. There are no strict format requirements for initial submission, as long as the article structure follows our guidelines (according to the template). Manuscripts in the revision stage must be formatted accordingly (see 'Format' section).

This allows the writer to focus on the content. Article registration in the Journal of Community Service: Education and Natural Sciences requires creating an account before starting. Make sure the  Author role is selected in the menu. If not selected, you will not  be able to continue sending.

Author data. The sender must include author information at the time of submission. Please ensure  your affiliate address is complete and written exactly as it appears in your manuscript. Manuscript metadata. Please provide at least the following information regarding your manuscript

  1. Title: Please enter the manuscript title column in uppercase and lowercase.
  2. After the manuscript title, include the author's name, affiliation, and email correspondence.
  3. Abstract: Inserts a summary into the summary column. Make sure the format matches your manuscript (superscript, italics, etc.).
  4. Keywords: Enter a maximum of 6 words/phrases separated by semicolons.
  5. In addition to the manuscript and additional files, please include a brief background outlining the significance of the research, the novelty of the results, and how it may be of interest to readers of Journal of Community Service: Education and Natural Sciences (JoCS)
  6. Bibliography: Bibliography must be written according to APA (Journal of Community service preferred bibliographic style, but the name of the journal must be written in full (not abbreviated). Separate each reference  with a blank line.
  7. Number of attachments: Additional files such as surveys and other supporting data should not exceed 3 pages


Manuscript Structure

Title. For articles, use a concise and informative title with a maximum of 15 words.

Affiliate. Include complete mailing addresses for each author's  affiliations, including street address, zip code city, and state.

Abstract. One paragraph should not exceed 250 words. Main problem, objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Avoid  abbreviations and quotation marks.

Keywords. Enter up to six keywords or phrases, arranged alphabetically and separated by semicolons (;). To help your article be found by search engines, use specific, relevant terms that are not included in the title. Avoid using terms that are too general or too long.

introduction. The introduction includes: Facts about implementing community service activities. Explain actual facts and issues, problems, challenges and community needs related to the objectives of the activity. Literary Studies. Efforts carried out by the community service team or other stakeholders. The purpose of community service activities. The introduction must be in narrative form, not pointer form, and written in Times New Roman font size 11 without footnotes.

Method. This method not only covers the basic problems or needs that are the aim of community service activities, but also a description of the techniques for implementing activities and resolving community service challenges. This method is written in Times New Roman font size 11,  without footnotes.

Data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, location, time, duration and activity methods used in community service are as follows:

Results and Discussion. The main discussion includes results and discussion. The results are not raw data, but data that has been processed/analyzed using established methods. Discussion is a comparison of the results obtained with the concepts/theories contained in literature studies. The contents of the results and discussion include descriptions, tables, pictures, graphs, sketches, etc. (without footnotes).

This section contains the main sub-discussion in Times New Roman 11 font. The sub-discussions are written systematically.

Conclusion. Contains conclusions that are relevant to the results of the analysis/correlation test on the data discussed.

Thank-you note. Please indicate who  contributed to this research and what funding or grants they received to support the research. The name of the funding organization must be included in full. People who help you during your research (e.g. someone who helps you design or analyze your research, guide you through your research area) or who write articles (e.g. We provide advice on language, editing and proofreading your article.

Bibliography. List all items alphabetically. Literature cited in the creation of the work is included in the bibliography. To be efficient and concise, avoid using more than 40 but less than 10 references, with 70% journal references and 30% book references. Magazine references for at least the last 5 years, and book references for at least the last 5 years. Journal of Community service: Education and Natural Sciences uses (APA Format 6th Edition) (American Psychological Association). As well as Mendeley or Zootero applications.